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Our Story

Meet the Innovator

Meet Elizabeth, the creator of the Myotone Method

Elizabeth Logan, creator of the Myotone method

The Journey

Elizabeth Logan, a former aesthetician in the spa industry for 35+ years, patented the microcurrent facial technology method, known as Myotonology in 1996.

After 20 successful years in spas, she decided to bring her professional units into your home. Since releasing her first unit in 2016, she has teamed up with New Potato Technologies to improve the unit and is now happy to announce the new Myotone facial toning and rejuvenation set!

Take advantage of her microcurrent facial experience and expertise. She wants to spread the word about this smart wave of innovation in the skin care industry. A more natural, non-invasive way to revitalize and rejuvenate your skin in ways you never thought possible.

“I have seen the incredible benefits of microcurrent and the
difference it has made in my client’s overall appearance and
cannot wait for you to try it yourself!”

Elizabeth Logan

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1995: Developed the First Myotone

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2009: Myontology Center Opens

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2015: Myotone’s Facial Toning Set Launches

Want to Learn More About Microcurrent?

Check out our tutorial videos on YouTube!

Myotone Beginner Tutorial on Youtube Myotone Advanced Tutorial on Youtube
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